Function of Sex

Intrinsic Functions of Sex

(not what people make of it)

  1. Intercourse:
    1. Identity development;
    2. Obtaining a perspective on the world;
    3. Overcoming xenophobia;
    4. Developing beneficial social skills;
    5. Gestalt;
    6. Discovering & Understanding the world;
    7. Expressing love;
    8. Like-minded community building;
    9. To laugh at oneself;
    10. Healthy;
    11. Physical Exercise;
    12. Seeking God;
    13. Communication - as a kind of language;
    14. Bonding, intimacy, union;
    15. Reproduction;
    16. Transformation through sharing;
    17. Self-discovery;
    18. Relief of Physical, emotional & psychological Tension;
    19. A means to an end; &,
    20. Pleasure.
  2. Masturbation:
    1. Identity development;
    2. To laugh at oneself;
    3. Expressing love;
    4. Good health;
    5. An end in itself;
    6. Pleasure;
    7. Self-discovery; &,
    8. Relief of Physical, emotional & psychological Tension.

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